Wednesday 5 September 2012

Pinterest ...

Are you on Pinterest? Here's my  problem with Pinterest... there are SO. MANY. GREAT. IDEAS.

I'm always re-pinning outfit ideas, recipes, advice on how to get fit, how to lose weight, how to, how to, how to! My favourite part of Pinterest though is definitely the craft ideas. And in particular, the ideas for the garden.

Contrary to popular opinion, despite the years I've spent tucked away by myself on computers I love the outdoors. Hill walking, mountain climbing, strolls through the countryside. Camping, bonfires, the beach, BBQs, sunsets and sunrises, tinned food and wet wipes. Gardens, deck chairs, blankets, books, a walkman, a CD player, an iPod ...

I found a wonderful craft idea the other day on Pinterest - using old tin cans, punch out holes in different shapes (circles, stars, hearts etc.) and use them as a candle holder. Easy and perfect.

I've got my baked bean tin in the freezer at the moment (if you fill them with water and freeze it first, it stops the can from denting when you knock the holes through) and when I finish it, I'll definitely be posting some pictures, and maybe a tutorial.

If you're on Pinterest, add me!!

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