Wednesday 5 October 2011

Four-in-one skirts? I'll take 2 for 8 then!

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I'd like to try and incorporate more fashion posts in to this blog. As the winter months approach, I am aiming to increase my wardrobe (honestly, it's pitiful the lack of clothes I have) and also mix up my style - start wearing the things I do own in different ways and not be afraid of new outfits.

First step was purchasing this interesting new skirt on an impulse last weekend.

The Anna skirt, by Zand Amsterdam is four skirts in one, and is worn by popping together the poppers wherever fits most comfortable. It has gorgeous fabrics on both sides, and it also has a different fabric belt which is attached via a zip, so you can also switch that around.

It is like my dream skirt, as I get four skirts for the price of one, and I can continue to wear as my weight loss kicks in!

I wore it yesterday for the first time, with a black vest (H&M) and cardigan (New Look) as well as a brown pair of Top Shop boots. I haven't received so many outfit compliments since I started this job ... so I wore it again today, the other way around!

Tuesday 27 September 2011

(Nail) Art Attack!

Nail art! Something that until very recently I had never given much thought to.

I've always painted my nails, although as they are often in such a bad state (they're very brittle and they peel all. the. time.) I do try to give them a week's break in between every polish.

But recently I've been inspired to try something new - probably thanks to Lauren Conrad's new beauty website from which I found this blue moon tutorial.

I found this tutorial really easy to follow, and the polishes were both from Miss Sporty's collection. These polishes are only £1.99 and available in all good drug stores in Britain. And they are wonderful! Such a bargain and they go on so easily. They have a wide brush, but they're downfall comes from the fact that I needed at least 3 coats of each.

This second tutorial came from a great website that my friend Steph recommended to me, Nailside. This explosion accent nail tutorial was SO difficult to figure out, as I could not get the placing of the tape correctly.

I used an NYC red polish plus the Miss Sporty silver. The NYC polish was an old one, but it still went on well, although I really should buy a new one!

I'm giving my nails a break right now, but I think next I will try Jane at Nailside's heavy layering experiment.

"The best fashion show is on the street. Always has been, always will be."

Last week, a friend of mine recommended watching Bill Cunningham New York.

As someone with a mild interest in fashion (growing every day though), Bill isn't someone I was aware of, but after watching the trailer I knew this would be something I would thoroughly enjoy, and if you have any interest in fashion, New York, art or photography, you should watch this.

It was such a heartwarming documentary, about someone who is so unbelivably and unabashedly passionate about what they love, and Bill is a real inspriation.

Crafternoon fun

Let's get this blog back up and running with a craft post!

My friend Claudia and I are both into craft projects - and yet can never find the time to actually sit down and create things.

A few weekends back, we finally got our acts together, and had ourselves a little crafternoon fun!

I made a paper heart garland for a friend's fireplace (above) before going on to successfully create my first bracelet using a blue peter batch, anchor, beads and bracelet clasp.

I've got myself involved with Pinterest - add me here! - and there are so many wonderful craft project ideas there! My next plan is to make some of these sun jars for Christmas presents :)