I've been really wanting to buy some OPI nail polish lately, just because I've heard such good things. Unfortunately I just cannot afford it.
So to appease myself, today I bought the cheapest of cheap nail polish - Collection 2000 Hot Looks nail polish!
I've been wanting a grey colour for a while (I did want something more greige-y but there was nothing in Boots) I'll go apply it and report back!
(Actually I've suddenly realised this is one of my biggest issues - spending little bits of money on cheap items, where if I just saved it and waited I could afford something more expensive.
Hmm, maybe I should really look into this ... )
I used to shop for cheap things really frequently, but now I've definitely switched over to buying quality over quantity. I end up with better fitting/longer lasting clothes, more comfortable shoes, etc. (But sometimes I just REALLY want to shop a little & have to run out & get something cheap/ridiculous.) It's taken longer to build a full wardrobe, but now it's full of things I love and I never end up wearing something that looks worn or makes me feel awkward. Definite win!