Tuesday 28 September 2010

Which nail polish wouldn't look good on you, girl


I've been really wanting to buy some OPI nail polish lately, just because I've heard such good things. Unfortunately I just cannot afford it.

So to appease myself, today I bought the cheapest of cheap nail polish - Collection 2000 Hot Looks nail polish!

I've been wanting a grey colour for a while (I did want something more greige-y but there was nothing in Boots) I'll go apply it and report back!

(Actually I've suddenly realised this is one of my biggest issues - spending little bits of money on cheap items, where if I just saved it and waited I could afford something more expensive.
Hmm, maybe I should really look into this ... )

Thursday 23 September 2010

Dressed to kill


So my Grandad is getting married next Saturday. I'm panicking (as I always do) over what to wear. I love this dress that I purchased from Top Shop online. It was delivered on Tuesday and fits perfectly, something which made me really happy. But it's quite short and I needed to find a way to make it look classy enough for a wedding.

I'm still unsure how I'm going to wear it in the day, to the wedding and the meal -probably nude tights and nude heels, with a shawl (if it's not too cold that day!) or a cardigan, with some understated jewellery, but I think I'm going to wear the above outfit to the reception in the evening ... if the shoes aren't too high for me!

I bought some new bedding this past week. It's only from Asda so cheap as chips but I like it. It brightens my room up.
I also bought a black and white set, not as intense as this one! Both cute though <3

I like buying bedding and things for the home. Even though I currently only have a 12ft x 12ft room to do anything with, I like to imagine how I'd decorate, when I finally move out of this childhood bedroom.

A few friends inspired me to start this blog so here I am. I guess I'm going to use this as a new kind of LiveJournal. I'm going to post about things I buy, or want to buy. What I did that interested me that day. Random facts about the day. Oooh I bought a starbucks today! Oooh did you see the state of the toilets in the the Athlete's Village in Delhi!?