Wednesday 5 October 2011

Four-in-one skirts? I'll take 2 for 8 then!

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I'd like to try and incorporate more fashion posts in to this blog. As the winter months approach, I am aiming to increase my wardrobe (honestly, it's pitiful the lack of clothes I have) and also mix up my style - start wearing the things I do own in different ways and not be afraid of new outfits.

First step was purchasing this interesting new skirt on an impulse last weekend.

The Anna skirt, by Zand Amsterdam is four skirts in one, and is worn by popping together the poppers wherever fits most comfortable. It has gorgeous fabrics on both sides, and it also has a different fabric belt which is attached via a zip, so you can also switch that around.

It is like my dream skirt, as I get four skirts for the price of one, and I can continue to wear as my weight loss kicks in!

I wore it yesterday for the first time, with a black vest (H&M) and cardigan (New Look) as well as a brown pair of Top Shop boots. I haven't received so many outfit compliments since I started this job ... so I wore it again today, the other way around!